Energy Leadership Bingo!

Click the image to download the bingo card as a PDF.

I attended Module 1 of iPEC Coach Training this past weekend and am excited to start using many of my new skills. Prior to attending the class, I listened to Bruce D Schneider’s Energy Leadership: The 7 Level Framework for Mastery In Life and Business.

In his book, Schneider introduces two basic types of energy based on biological processes:

  • Anabolic, which is constructive, expanding, and rejuvenating (from Anabolism or the construction of molecules).

  • Catabolic, which is draining, contracting, and resisting (from Catabolism or the breakdown of complex molecules).

He also introduces an Energetic Self-Perception Chart that shows the seven levels of energy moving from self to self mastery to self transcendence.

The words in the bingo image above were chosen based on Schneider’s framework and several coaching concepts. The letters and numbers correspond to words from the anabolic levels of Schneider’s Energetic Self-Perception Chart where the number refers to the level and the letters refer to whether it’s a Core Thought (T), Core Feeling/Emotion (F), or Action/Result (A). I made the bingo card to help reward myself for constructive thoughts, feelings, and actions.

I recognize that many of the words may not have the same values to everyone. For example, to me, aware can mean multiple things and I am giving myself credit every time I become aware of something. In the future, I might want to focus on being aware of a specific type of thought or action. My goal is for you to be able to interpret the words in your own way.

Let me know your thoughts!


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