Fail Fast and Iterate

Session resources based on the book Ideaflow: The Only Business Metric That Matters by Jeremy Utley and Perry Klebahn.

Key Takeaways

  • Problem-solving is a mindset

  • Practice, document, test, iterate

  • Spend more time observing

  • Ideaflow, ideas/time, is a barometer of creative health

  • Ideaflow is important because businesses have to reinvent themselves to survive

  • Goal: Move from frustration to what unexpected connections can help me?


  • Feed your brain important problems that matter most to your long-term ambitions

  • Go for a Wonder Wander - start with a good question and think about what everything you see can teach you about it

  • Brainstorming - gather ideas in advance individually, come together to share ideas, individually contemplate the topic again, come back together to share

  • Dare to be obvious - might be novel or inspirational to others

  • Play with questions on the spectrum of multiple frames - scale, quality, emotion, stakes, expectations, similarity, worst ideas, money, time

  • Question Burst - Pick an issue, explain it for two minutes, take turns asking questions for 4 mins, unpack the questions and expand on those that resonate

  • Test, analyze, refine, repeat - quick and cheap tests to challenge a single hypothesis

  • Go where your customers are, observe for a long time, assume intentionality and try to figure out why things are the way they are

  • Analogous exploration - who does X really well

  • Grow your skills - seed, sleep, solve - record 10 ideas every morning

  • Keep a problem queue and an It Really Bugs Me That… list

  • Empathic interviews - tell me about the last time you… be specific, listen, diagram their journey

To Reflect on

  • Is your position on the reactive-strategic continuum where you want to be?

  • What is your work environment like? Do you have opportunities to problem-solve?

  • Do you have opportunities each day to reflect and problem-solve?

  • When and how do you work best?

Additional Resources and Thoughts

  • Ideaflow: The Only Business Metric That Matters by Jeremy Utley and Perry Klebahn

  • Creativity For Professionals, Dina Venezky, 2022

  • Corporate Explorer: How Corporations Beat Startups at the Innovation Game by Andrew Binns, Charles A. O'Reilly, and, Michael Tushman, 2022

  • Questions Are the Answer: A Breakthrough Approach to Your Most Vexing Problems at Work and in Life by Hal Gregersen, 2018

  • Meeting Design: For Managers, Makers, and Everyone by Kevin M. Hoffman, 2018

  • The Design Thinking Playbook: Mindful Digital Transformation of Teams, Products, Services, Businesses and Ecosystems by Michael Lewrick, Patrick Link, et al., 2018

  • Enhancing Creativity Through “Mindless” Work: A Framework of Workday Design Elsbach and Hargadon, 2006


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