Grab Attention with Your Power Script

Do you introduce yourself in a way that builds power and influence? Do others immediately see you as an equal or someone they want to work with?

In our next session, we will spend the hour building two to three-sentence introductions or overviews that indicate why we are the expert. We will discuss how to answer fundamental questions such as "why should I care?", "what's in it for me?", and "why you?" using techniques such as explaining how we can help overcome a danger or change, provide a big reward, and offer a fair deal. Some of the content is based on Oren Klaff’s book, Flip the Script: Getting People to Think Your Idea Is Their Idea.

Join us on Tuesday, Jun 6 at 11 am PT/ 2 pm ET for our next professional development session, Build Your Power Script! How to Introduce Yourself, Pitch Ideas, and Influence.

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