How To Change

Drawing of How To Change book cover, 5 stars - lots of great research and stories. Successfully engineer custom solutions for lasting change! Diagnose obstacles, make frequent small commitments, use cues: When ______ I will ______, test/repeat, timin

I highly recommend Katy Milkman’s book, How to Change, The Science of Getting From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be! Are you inspired by peers who are slightly more achievement-oriented? Do you notice how being given advice can feel as though the other person doesn’t think you know what to do? #HowToChange is full of advice you can use in your professional and personal life!

Below are a few key takeaways:

Successfully engineer custom solutions for lasting change! Test, iterate, and repeat to figure out what works for you.

Diagnose obstacles

Make frequent small commitments

Use cues: When ______ I will ______,

Timing is important - a lot of people decide to make change on a birthday, new year/month, or other important time.

Our expectations shape our reality. Saying is believing.

Pick a supportive peer group, try their techniques.

People achieve more when their peer groups include people who are slightly more achievement focused than them instead of joining groups with people who are a lot more achievement focused. Most people give up when they are not able to keep up.

Giving unsolicited advice undermines confidence by implying we don’t think they can do it on their own. Often we give advice when what people really need is confidence. Boost someone’s confidence by having them give advice. Often people will try their own advice after they give it to others.

Lasting Change Requires Constant Vigilance.


Self-Compassion Breaks


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