Personal SWOT and Learning Plan for Goal Setting

Use a personal SWOT exercise to create your 2024 goals. Upper left image: Good at and Enjoy 2x2 matrix with a star in the upper right corner. Upper right image: Circle with four unequal parts. Largest part in the upper left: Strengths; next largest i

How do you set goals? 

This year, consider a personal SWOT exercise and learning plan. Ask yourself:

  • What strengths do I enjoy?

  • What opportunities exist where I can build on my strengths and the things I enjoy?

  • What obstacles could impede pursuing these opportunities?

  • What weaknesses must I overcome for success?

Once you have picked a goal in one area, think about the following:

  • What do I want to learn or get better at? 

  • How will I learn it?

  • By when?

  • How will I know I have achieved my goal?

  • How will I hold myself accountable?


  • My strengths/what I like to do: learn, analyze data, synthesize information, share learnings, discuss ideas

  • Opportunities based on my strengths: Giving talks, creating content, leading sessions, helping others analyze data and make decisions

  • Threats/Obstacles: People are busy, making others aware of how I can help them

  • Weaknesses: Prioritizing topics and how much time to spend on them - limiting deep dives that become “rabbit holes.”

  • What do I want to learn or get better at: how to create short videos of the content I’d like to share 

  • How will I learn it: online self-paced courses and small projects

  • By when: I will create my first test video by March 15 and have something to share by Jun 1

  • How will I know I have achieved my goal: I will post a video online by Jun 1 and ask for feedback from one person

  • How will I hold myself accountable: I will take a few short courses by Feb 15 and ask someone to give me feedback on my work.

I’m excited to talk about setting goals for the new year in our final session, Celebrate This Year and Plan for Next Year, on Tues, Dec 5 at 11 am PT/2 pm ET


Celebrate and Plan: Wrapping up the Year


Coaching to Maximize Potential Resources