Power Script Series Resources

The key takeaway from the Build Your Power Script session was to communicate expertise through planning and practice. Knowing our audience and creating quick communications is particularly helpful for those of us who notice others underestimate us before we speak.  The session frameworks are easy to practice in all areas of your life. Try using them as you navigate car repairs, plane flights, house issues, others’ expectations, etc. 

Validating comment regarding being underestimated: I can so relate…the bias oozes out of their pores, sadly.

Session frameworks:

Past, Present, Future for introductions. Short example for meeting new collaborators.

  • Hi, I’m XXX. I’ve been a systems engineer here for 8 years.

  • I oversee our IT team.

  • I’m looking forward to working with you on this integration.

What, So What, Now What:

  • A key customer changed the specifications for the product again.

  • Making the change will delay the launch for everyone.

  • I propose we delay the launch by a week to give them two of the items they requested and schedule the others for a future release. This solution will allow our other customers to benefit from the update without too much of a delay.

Goal, Problem, Solution (GPS):

  • I want to be a better speaker.

  • In order to improve faster, I need more opportunities.

  • Could I run our weekly meetings?

Session exercises:

  1. Take 2 minutes to write an introduction for yourself using the Past, Present, Future framework. Share your introduction with someone for feedback (in session: your partner in your breakout).

  2. Frame an issue using the What, So What, Now What or Goal, Problem, Solution framework.

From one of our discussion questions, When are you most confident introducing yourself?

  • When no one knows anyone else.

  • When only one or two new people are in the group and you can help out.

  • When others are alone or not already engaged in discussion.

As someone who thinks as they talk, my goal for the month is to prepare for at least four communications using one of the frameworks. Small amounts of preparation can yield large returns!

Our next complimentary session, The Gift of Feedback is on Tues, Jul 11. During the one-hour workshop, we will explore what led to one of our accomplishments and map our findings to best practices to ask for, give, and receive feedback.

Upcoming 2023 Monthly Sessions are on Jul 11, Aug 1, Sept 11, Oct 3, Nov 14, and Dec 5. 

I hope the frameworks and summary spark new ideas for you too.



Summary of June 2023 The Gift of Feedback Session

Key Takeaways

  • Provide context

  • Customize your communication to your audience

  • Plan and practice


  • Frame your communications for your audience and help them hear your message.

  • Have stories and quick phrases you can use to help others see your expertise.

  • Create several versions of the Past, Present, Future Introduction Framework for future use. Practice them and time your delivery. 

  • Business communications should not be a treasure hunt. Provide context, why it matters, and what you need.

  • Get to the point quickly with a communication framework. Try What? So What? Now What? And Goal, Problem, Solution (GPS) to determine what works best for you and the situation.

  • May whatever you say be the right thing to say.

  • Grab attention (sales/influence) by explaining a change is coming, how your idea/product/service can give them a big reward, and how you win when they win.

To Reflect on

  • When are you most confident introducing yourself?

  • Do you have any stories about times people underestimated you? What did you do and what was the outcome?

  • What might you do in the future?

  • Do you have any examples of times you’ve underestimated others? What did they do and what was the outcome?

  • When are you most confident telling others about an issue? What makes you confident?

  • Continue to build your story bank and further define your power scripts. Is there anything that would help you?

Additional Resources and Thoughts


Happy Pride


Giving and Receiving Support