I broke my fifth metatarsal on Mar 3 around 8:30 am. Below is my journey in hopes it can help others.

Mar 3 (Day 1) - indoor bike workout wishing it wasn’t a day off and I could run. Not sure why that was going through my mind. Decided to finally donate the kids’ soccer balls and was carrying them to the car (two large bags with 10+ each) in my Oofoo slides when I tripped over a plastic gutter drain with my left foot and landed off balance on it with my right. I felt my foot roll off the slide as the plastic piece tilted and I rolled off of it. The pain was intense but the worst part was the fear that it was similar to when I tore my ACL off the bone in college (first year, second day of ski team practice).

I wasn’t sure how bad it was and I didn’t want to put weight on it. My knee and left hand were skinned. I tried to crawl to the door. It hurt and I couldn’t put weight on it. I rang the doorbell and got inside. I still thought I could rest and then deliver the soccer balls…

I elevated it and may have iced a little - mainly I wanted heat over the first few days. I couldn’t bear weight at all and crawled. It was exhausting but I thought it would probably heal quickly and I didn’t want to go to the ER to hear another - you sprained it (RICE). I took all my meetings from the couch. Total steps: 5118

Mar 4 (Day 2) - new crutch tip arrived and I started moving on crutches which was much easier! I could rest my foot briefly on the ground. My body was tired from the different movement and I was sad to miss a run day. I still worked on the couch and wasn’t sure how I would get to my office - down three stairs. Or how I would elevate my leg while I worked. I rode the indoor bike for 20 minutes and walked half a mile outside with crutches. Total steps: 5152

Mar 5 (Day 3) - able to put weight on my foot. Found one of my kids’ boots and started wearing it. Foot didn’t fit in a normal shoe. Indoor bike 30 minutes and walked .69 miles outside. Steps: 5311

Mar 6 (Day 4) - Used the erg for 30 minutes, short walk outside, and short walk on walking pad indoors in the short walking boot. It felt better but something wrong. There was a lack of stability in part of the stride. I ignored the swelling and bruising. Steps: 5418 looking forward to getting back above 10000…

Mar 7 (Day 5) - 31 minute indoor bike and then my PT could see me. She didn’t love how it was presenting and told me I needed x-rays. She prepared me for what they might say. I was able to get in to see a doctor and was told I had broken my fifth metatarsal and to wear a post op shoe or boot. It would take about 4 to 6 weeks to heal. I asked about running and the doctor put in an urgent request for me to see a podiatric surgeon. Steps: 5955

Mar 8 (Day 6) Indoor cycle 27 min (late for a call) Outdoor walk .75 miles Steps: 5731

Mar 9 (Day 7) 20 min erg, .85 mile walk Steps: 7126

Week 2

Mar 10 (Day 8) 25 min bike, 1 mile walk Steps: 6389

Mar 11 (Day 9) 30 min cycle Then a few calls and off to the surgeon. 8-12 weeks in tall boot. No more exercise. Just sit. Steps: 4066 mostly before the boot was put on.

Mar 12 (Day 10) Reduced exercise minutes on Apple Watch to 5. Steps: 3442

Mar 13 (Day 11) Steps: 3354

Mar 14 (Day 12) Steps: 3243

Mar 15 (Day 13) Steps: 2896

Mar 16 (Day 14) Steps: 3893

Week 3

Mar 17 (Day 15) Steps: 4001

Mar 18 (Day 16) Steps: 4749

Mar 19 (Day 17) Steps: 4290

Mar 20 (Day 18) Steps: 4157

Mar 21 (Day 19) Steps: 4614

Mar 22 (Day 20) Felt great with new crutches. Walked around the block! Steps: 5427

Mar 23 (Day 21) Tired and muscles are very sore. Seems the walk around the block was too much. Steps: 4033

Week 4

Mar 24 (Day 22) Foot and muscles hurt. Did a lot less than two days ago. It’s been warmer today and the foot in my boot is very warm at night. Feels like it’s on fire. Steps: 3603

Mar 25 (Day 23) I’m barely using the crutches. Steps: 3775

Mar 26 (Day 24) I am able to do some leg lifts and move more without pain - I could turn off the lift by the bed by turning my upper body and didn’t feel pain in my arm or leg. I used the crutches only on an outing to a store and on a walk - 1/2 mile! Steps: 4600

Mar 27 (Day 25) Foot feeling better. Noticing that I can move my leg more without pain. Steps:

Mar 28 (Day 26) Steps:

Mar 29 (Day 27) Steps:

Mar 30 (Day 28) Steps: