Energy Leadership Book Summary

I highly recommend Energy Leadership: The 7 Level Framework for Mastery In Life and Business by Bruce D Schneider. It introduces how important understanding our Energy Level is for success in our professional and personal lives. Through a parable about a failing company we learn how to notice and change energy; to come to terms with what is and what we can control.

One of the major tenets of the book is the more energy you have, the more effective you are. Our energy levels fluctuate throughout the day and people have an Average Resonating Level (ARL) of energy that is often clear to others. Companies with an ARL of 1 or 2 typically fail. 

Most Helpful: Being aware of our energy levels can help us learn to change them so we can be the people we want to be. We create our world because our thoughts shape our feelings/emotions and our feelings/emotions shape our actions. The book reminds us that our thoughts and feelings are normal so we can stop beating ourselves up.

The Energetic Self-Perception Chart (I’ve introduced this in other posts such as Mapping Feelings)

The higher your energy level, the easier it is to balance your life and quickly turn ideas into reality. You will also feel better physically and emotionally. The Chart is segmented into three sections, Needing, Wanting, and Being. There are advantages and disadvantages at each level.

Below is a summary of each level including the core thoughts (T:), core feelings (F:), and core actions (A:) associated with each.

Needing Circle - Largely unconscious effort, just trying to survive

Level 1 energy: Victim, frozen, or crisis mode. Always dealing with problems, no passion or commitment to the mission.

  • T: Victim, F: Apathy, A: Lethargy - Bored, Worthless, Inadequate, Disillusioned, Helpless, Overwhelmed, Excluded/Rejected, Tired, Lonely, Disappointed, Depressed, Guilty, Unsafe, Disgusted, Suspicious, Jealous

  • Advantages: Little effort and energy.

  • Disadvantages: Lack of engagement and ability. Difficulty facing reality and envisioning a desired future. 

  • Getting angry shows a willingness to fight, and moves one from Level 1 to Level 2.

  • To me, situations dictate where fear sits - if the reaction to fear is freeze or flight, it’s Level 1. If it’s fight or fawn then it’s Level 2.

Level 2 energy: Sees threats and lack of safety. Wants their needs fulfilled by others instead of from within. 

  • T: Conflict, F: Anger, A: Defiance - Frustration, Deprivation, Shock, Dismayed, Confused, Fear, Anxiety, Aggressive, Argumentative, Discomfort, Threatened, Resistant, Jealous, Agitated, Hostile, Critical

  • Advantages: Get a lot done by yourself.

  • Disadvantages: Motivating others from anger or fear unlike what Machiavelli believes, is not always optimal. In Level 2 companies, one may be required to take on more work and work longer hours. 

Having Circle - Choosing to take responsibility and starting to forgive

Level 3 energy: Letting go of fear, worry, guilt, and anger. Starting to understand and take responsibility. 

  • T: Responsibility, F: Forgiveness, A: Cooperation - Open, Optimistic, Confident, Proud, Sympathetic

  • Advantages:   You can engage and don't allow other people to stand in the way of what you want.

  • Disadvantages:   You could be manipulative and self-concerned thinking, “I did my best.”

Level 4 energy: Judgment, anger, guilt, resentment, and other self-directed thoughts/feelings start to be replaced by a desire to help others. 

  • The judgments we make are based on thinking people need fixing.

  • T: Concern, F: Compassion, A: Service - Curiosity, Courage, Hope, Helpfulness, Empowered, Motivated, Empathy

  • Advantages: You care for and help everyone to do their job and don’t take things personally.

  • Disadvantages: You can be overly sympathetic and lack boundaries. Because you want others to be happy, you may not take unpopular actions.

Level 5 energy:  Driven by opportunity and curiosity. You accept that things are instead of judging them as good, bad, right, or wrong. You are less afraid, feel inner peace, and are comfortable being you. Acceptance allows you to no longer try to control life and by letting go, you gain control.

  • T: Reconciliation, F: Peace, A: Acceptance - Calm, Trusting, Relaxed, Thoughtful, Caring, Thankful, Accepted, Valued, Liberated

  • Advantages: Find opportunities in all challenges and take little to nothing personally. You are curious, open-minded, and optimistic.

  • Disadvantages: Paralysis by analysis and disengagement from emotions.

Being Circle - Self-transcendence Meditate daily to achieve this. 

You transcend your ego becoming one with everything - when you are centered, you are in Level 6 and 7. 

Level 6 energy: You synthesize, which leads to joy (permanent) and wisdom. You can still feel other emotions, yet live in joy. You are powerful and humble using your intuition to access your true genius. 

T: Synthesis, F: Joy, A: Wisdom - Learning, Excited, Eager, Fulfilled, Inspired, Creative, Daring, Worthy, Valuable

Advantages: You can feel and connect without judgment accessing your intuition.

Disadvantages: Could be out of touch with others, viewed as aloof, and take risks.

Level 7 energy: Absolute Passion - the core of who you are. Time is an illusion. Able to use Holographic Thinking (see multiple perspectives at once - incorporates intuition, emotional awareness, experience, knowledge, and logic). You no longer judge.

  • T: Non-judgment, F: Absolute Passion, A: Creation - Flow (which starts in L6), Awe, Fulfilled

  • Advantages: Can create anything and are connected to a higher-order intelligence.

  • Disadvantages: Less emotional drama as nothing is seen as real.

Examples of dominating thoughts at each level (unedited from the book):


  • Level 1: “I hate myself.”

  • Level 2: “I hate you.”

  • Level 3: “I forgive you.”

  • Level 4: “I feel for you.”

  • Level 5: “I understand you.”

  • Level 6: “I am you.”

  • Level 7: “I Am.”


  • Level 1: “I lose.”

  • Level 2: “You lose.”

  • Level 3: “I win, and if you win too, great.”

  • Level 4: “You win, and if I win too, great.”

  • Level 5: “We both win.”

  • Level 6: “Everyone always wins.”

  • Level 7: “Winning and losing are illusory concepts created by the ego.”

Catabolic Energy - destructive forces - worry fear anger guilt - Levels 1 (100% Catabolic) and 2

Anabolic Energy - constructive forces - higher energy - Levels 3 through 7 (100% Anabolic)

Anabolic Leaders: Motivate and inspire themselves and others to do extraordinary things. They help people understand that they are responsible for the quality of their experience. They make choices from knowledge, intuition, passion, and power; not from fear, worry, and doubt.

Energetic Principle (one of five): Each moment describes who you are and gives you the opportunity to decide if that’s who you want to be.

Identify core energy levels and uncover strengths to move to a higher level.

The book also introduces the Big Four energy blocks (GAILs). Working through blocks can help change thoughts.

  • Limiting beliefs - Where did you get that idea? What effect has the belief had on your life?

  • Assumptions from the past that you bring to today - Validate assumptions are normal. Ask, Why does it need to happen again?

  • Interpretations you make - What’s another way to look at that?

  • The fear that you are not good enough (Gremlins) - expose the fear; ask How does it make you feel; name it; remember it’s only a part of you; reconnect with your true self. Your true self will always win.

I hope these notes help you think about your energy levels.

Want to track your energy (Sept and Oct blog posts)? It helps!


Checking in on Perfectionism


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