January Intention: Nourish and Renew
January intention with tracking log and brief description of detached vitreous.
Holiday Season Suggestions: Do Something For Your Future Self
Holiday checklists from the perspective of your future self.
December Intention: Notice, Acknowledge, and Celebrate
December intention with tracking log and thoughts from tracking letting go in November.
November Intention: Notice, Name, and Let Go
November intentions including log pdf for downloads.
Energy Leadership Book Summary
Summary of Energy Leadership by Bruce D. Schneider. Covers core concepts including energy levels and blocks.
October Intentions: Mapping my Zones of Comfort, Growth, and Overwhelm
Tracking Energy Levels and corresponding zones. Includes a link to the Tracking Sheet PDF with a chart and log.
September Intentions: Managing Energy and Stress
Managing stress and energy complete with a tracking log and tracking form.
Staying healthy while helping with transitions!
Tips about staying healthy through a transition, things to do differently in the future, and recovery.
Surfing Instead of Controlling Issues
Naming the need for control and aiming for being more calm!
Recommended Meditation Technique
Try The Wheel of Awareness Meditation! Background, links to audio, and text meditation.
Self-Compassion Breaks
Practice self-compassion to better support yourself and accept what is.
Mental Health Month Book Suggestions
A few of my favorite self-care books you might enjoy. Click for short descriptions of each.
You Don’t Have to Do It All
Austin Channing Brown talk takeaways: You don’t have to do it all. Do what you do best and trust the woman sitting next to you to do her best. We all make mistakes, keep learning.