Staying healthy while helping with transitions!

Congratulations to everyone helping with a transition!

My oldest graduated from college and I spent a few days helping him move out of his apartment.

It was exciting to have our family come together to watch him graduate after missing his high school (2020) one. It also, like all transitions, brought out a mix of emotions.

Below are a few ways I tried to practice self-care throughout the experience.

  • Prioritized sleep

  • Prioritized exercise

  • Prioritized healthy food/snacks

  • Practiced self-compassion

  • Planning in advance (I flew out early, while my husband and younger son joined us for about 48 hours)

And here are a few ways that I made things more difficult.

  • Wanting to donate as much as I could and spending hours trying to figure it out

  • Driving around with multiple carloads of donations

  • Not consistently communicating my needs or how others could best help me

  • Pushing myself too hard

In the end, I returned to California with sinus congestion and a low-grade fever. I spent the week feeling like parts of my brain were outside of my body and loosely connected by long lengths of string. I tried not to send too many emails and canceled every meeting I could. I also rewatched Cinderella and the Four Knights (Kdrama) and did my first puzzle in almost a year. It was nice to have to take some downtime and it can also be hard to return. I’ve been setting my timer for a few pomodoro sessions each day to help me ease back in. I’m also trying to be more careful with my calendar going forward!

How do you keep yourself healthy through transitions?

How do you recover from an illness or burnout?


Learning Curves and Sweet Spots


Thank You For An Inspiring International Coaching Week!