Learning Curves and Sweet Spots

I enjoyed Whitney Johnson's Coaching.com talk, Disrupt Yourself, on May 28, 2024. I love thinking about how the S Growth Curve relates to all the different goals we set. 

Two quick takeaways:

🎁 Give yourself permission to be wherever you are on your growth curves. 

🎁 Dopamine falls in mastery because we are no longer learning quickly. 

In talking with others about the curve, I’ve found that different people have different sweet spots. Some people are very content to stay in the mastery zone whereas others are constantly challenging themselves. Those who challenge themselves attend webinars or trainings, read/listen, and take on new projects.

This graph resonated with me because I find that as soon as I get close to mastery in one area, I start looking for new ways to stretch myself. Learning is a passion for me and like many other achievers, I often put myself in steep (exciting) and overly challenging (uncomfortable) situations.

I'm looking forward to thinking more about how to be in the sweet spot for learning but not too far outside my comfort zone! 

How do you find and stay in your growth sweet spot? 

Thank you, Whitney Johnson and Coaching.com!


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