Give Feedback Immediately or Within a Week of the Issue

Giving immediate feedback whenever possible is generally the most helpful way to support others in their growth. It can be easy to reinforce positive behavior with immediate appreciation feedback whereas many people find it beneficial to plan what they want to say when coaching. We can learn to give both types of feedback more effectively and closer to the event when we follow a template.

One helpful template from IDEO is COINS (Context, Observation, Impact, Next, Stay).

  • CONTEXT: “Yesterday in our meeting…”

  • OBSERVATION: “I noticed…”

  • IMPACT: “which seemed to have the impact that…”

  • NEXT: “Next time what if…” or “What else might we do…”

  • STAY: Pay attention to how your feedback was received and strategize to help coach around changes.

We want to build agency and motivate others to reach their goals. Ask for their perspective and help them brainstorm solutions.

Keep an open mind and feedback will become one of your superpowers.


Giving Feedback Resources


Understanding How We Handle Feedback