Life is Too Short for Opportunities That are no Longer Worthwhile

Session resources based on the book Quit: The Power of Knowing When to Walk Away By Annie Duke.

Key Takeaways

  • We often celebrate GRIT over QUIT, which makes it harder to learn from people who have quit something.

  • If chances are slim things will go your way, quit.

  • We like quitting when we are ahead and avoid risk. We dislike quitting when we are behind and seek risk.

  • We often make decisions based on resources already spent.

  • Focus on progress not end goals.

  • We prefer the status quo and value things we own.

  • Inaction is easier than action.

  • Sometimes we need to change our identity in order to make other changes. 

  • Being forced to quit forces us to explore.

  • Exploration helps us diversify interests, skills, and opportunities.


  • Keep exploring.

  • Set Kill Criteria: If by (date), I have/haven’t (reached a particular state) I will stop/pivot.

  • Do the hard things first and pivot if it’s impossible.

  • Be aware of sunk costs and how your identity influences  you. 

  • Think about what you will waste by staying on a particular path.

  • Life is too short for opportunities that are no longer worthwhile.

To Reflect on:

  • Can you think of ways to celebrate or learn from those around you who quit?

  • What types of advance planning or kill criteria can you use for your projects or goals?

  • Can you schedule time to check in on your identity quarterly to make sure it aligns with your goals?

Other resources and thoughts:

  • “The show doesn’t go on because it’s ready; it goes on because it’s 11:30.”

    ― Lorne Michaels

  • Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.

  • Fail fast and iterate - create an environment where you can quickly develop and test minimum viable products, get feedback, and make changes. More on this topic in March!

  • From our session on Structured Procrastination: Can I give myself permission to do a less than perfect job in advance?


Understanding Emotions for Success


Happy Holidays 2022