Happy Holidays 2022

I hope your year is winding down well and you have time to reflect on all the amazing things you did. 

1. Thank you for an engaging discussion on Structured Procrastination in November. See https://www.sparklingleaders.com/structuredprocrastination for a summary of the discussion.  

2. Our next virtual networking session for curious professionals is on Wednesday, Jan 11 at 11 am PT/2 pm ET! Join the discussion the second Wednesday of every month in 2023.

Jan 2022 Networking Session: Life Is Too Short To Spend On Opportunities That Are No Longer Worthwhile

Join other curious professionals on Wed, Jan 11, 2022, at 11 am PT/2 pm ET for a guided discussion on figuring out when to make a change. Learn how exploration protects you against uncertainty and how to handle sunk costs. Reflect on and discuss strategies for identifying opportunities that are no longer worthwhile. Based on Annie Duke’s book, Quit: The Power of Knowing When to Walk Away (no prior knowledge required).

3. Curiosity Practice: If you find yourself in a situation where someone says or does something you don’t like, can you try to be curious about why they are doing it? 

  • What do they need? What do you need?

  • Why does it bother you? Is your annoyance based on what is happening at that moment or something else? 

  • Do you need to respond? Can you imagine a more positive version of what the person meant to do?

  • Can you pause, breathe into your toes, and say something positive to yourself?

  • Some situations just suck. Acknowledge it for what it is. Then acknowledge your strengths and try to move on.

Wishing you much wonder and joy for the holidays.


ps I was excited to play with drawing cookies in Procreate. It provided almost all the joy of decorating real ones without the mess.


Life is Too Short for Opportunities That are no Longer Worthwhile


Penalty Kicks and Decision Making