The Gift of Feedback

The Gift of Feedback. How to Receive and Evaluate It Effectively. We often do not receive the type of feedback we want. Cartoon Person 1 gives appreciation feedback: “Great job saving the account!” Person 2 wanted evaluation feedback: says, “Thanks”

Are you receiving the feedback you need to achieve your goals? When you receive feedback, are you able to use it effectively?

In our next session, we will spend the hour discussing techniques and frameworks that will help you make the most out of the feedback you are already receiving. We will also explore how to ask for additional assistance in to reach your goals. Some of the content is based on Douglas Stone and Sheila Heen’s book, Thanks for the Feedback: The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well.

Join us on Tuesday, Jul 11 at 11 am PT/ 2 pm ET for our next professional development session, The Gift of Feedback! How to Receive and Evaluate It Effectively.

Register here (if you haven’t already)


Analyze the Feedback you Receive


Seek to Understand