Use self-descriptive adjectives that convey power

Powerful people use positive self-descriptions and own their accomplishments. Promotions and accolades generally go to people whose accomplishments are known. If you downplay your accomplishments, others may not see you as capable or confident. Keep in mind that it’s easier to give opportunities to people who appear capable and confident.

Using self-deprecating language, even if you are making a joke, can also reduce your opportunities. Think of how challenging it is to respond to someone who is always putting themself down.

Imagine you are mentoring someone who is very capable. How might you set an example for them by using positive self-descriptions and owning your accomplishments?

In 7 Rules of Power by Jeffrey Pfeffer, he says, “If you do not think of yourself as powerful, competent, and deserving, it is likely that, in subtle and possibly not-so-subtle ways, you will communicate this self-assessment to others.”

What are three of your big accomplishments?

What are you most proud of?


Appearing Powerful


Performance is Not Enough