Learn About Others’ Experiences Through Story
The book Front Desk provides an opportunity to experience life as a young immigrant from China with a strong work ethic, family ties, and desire to understand justice.

Increase Power and Influence
Have you ever been surprised when they are much more helpful than you imagined?
How did they convince you they would be helpful?

Build Your Power Script!
Join us on Tuesday, Jun 6 at 11 am PT/2 pm ET to discuss and build introductions that build power and influence.

Match Your Role to the Situation
Match how you play your role to what the situation requires.

Authenticity: Be True to Which Self?
When you think about yourself, which self are you thinking about?

Know Thyself
The self is influenced by a variety of factors including biology, personal experience, and social reality.

Use self-descriptive adjectives that convey power
Powerful people use positive self-descriptions and own their accomplishments. Promotions and accolades generally go to people whose accomplishments are known. If you downplay your accomplishments, others may not see you as capable or confident. Keep in mind that it’s easier to give opportunities to people who appear capable and confident…

Performance Evaluation Language
A study of 81,000 military performance evaluations identified very different language used for men and women.

The language we use
Take 20 seconds for each of the phrases in the image above to record your thoughts.
Powerful women are…
Powerful men are…
Powerless women are…
Powerless men are…