Are You Focused On What’s Most Important?

2x2 matrix importance and urgency matrix. Not urgent/not important: Delete. Urgent/not important: Delegate - You Can’t Do It All. Not urgent/important: Do Later. Urgent/Important: Do Now. Leaders focus on the mission. Dina Venezky, Sparkling Leaders

Have you reviewed your priorities for October/this quarter? With the changing weather and multiple pumpkin-flavored options, it can feel like we are speeding towards the end of the year.

Now is a great time to check on your goals and your calendar. Try using an Eisenhower box. I prefer to draw mine with importance and urgency increasing along their axes. I also prefer the Oxford comma…

My thoughts for the quarter.

  • Delete - Ruminating and some of my Kdrama-watching

  • Do Later - Schedule travel and activities for the next quarter/year

  • Delegate - House repairs

  • Do Now - Post this, prep for tomorrow

For many of us, delegating is challenging. Keep in mind that everything you say yes to means you are saying no to something else. Start small if it’s tough and focus on what you need to do to reach your goals.


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